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Your local partner

How Do We Treat Your Business? Like It's Our Own.

Your customer base is shrinking or not growing fast enough

Sometimes the challenge or opportunity is obvious; it's the solution that is less apparent. Perhaps the answers lie in your data, your website analytics, or in the way you're communicating with your clients and prospects. More than likely, the answers lie in all these areas and more. We will spend time at your business so we can walk in your shoes. We will interact with your customers and employees and experience what it is like to make your products or provide your services. Why go to these lengths? Because once we at Third Eye Local understand your business and your passion, we can create and execute customized solutions to move your marketing strategy forward, get your business growing, and meet your objectives.

You need to understand why you’re losing customers — or how to get more

As the media landscape changes, you need to watch what is happening in your own backyard. Your competition is transforming. It might be a new competitor who just opened their doors down the block. It might be a business that is out-of-market but taking your customers away by using new digital channels. At Third Eye Local, we'll be that extra set of eyes on your marketplace, implementing strategies not only to help protect your current customer base, but guide you to new areas of customer growth.

You have a product or service that is losing its audience or could benefit from more exposure

It's likely your product or service isn't losing its audience as much as it's not finding them in the same places any longer. Where your customers or prospects spend their time isn't just shifting — it's spreading out across an ever-growing array of choices. If they are reading the news, it’s most likely online and might not even be local. They could be listening to music through radio, satellite, or a streaming service. They may be watching television, but through multiple channels and on multiple devices. Gone are the days when a single advertising solution reaches your desired audience. Have you defined your growth path in this overwhelming media menagerie? At Third Eye Local, we'll help you navigate the crowded media landscape. We have the knowledge and experience to put your marketing message in the right places.

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